Boy Troop 58 - Topic Overview: 1) From Your SPL 2) Crossover Trip - Registration Open! 3) Community Service - Room In The Inn 4) Upcoming PLC Elections 5) Final CDB Registrations 6) Personal Fitness Merit Badge 7) Upcoming Schedule Topics: 1) From Your SPL Tuesday 3/7, 6:30 start We will be doing team building activities at this meeting Hot tamales are service patrol Please wear your Class-A uniform Charlie Bragg 2) Crossover Trip - Registration Open! Registration for Crossover Trip in March is NOW OPEN! March 24th - 26th at Camp Raven Knob Cost is only $20 Come have a blast of a weekend and welcome the newest members of Troop 58! Registration closes Monday, March 13th More details and link to register can be found here: 3) Community Service - Room In The Inn March 10/11 BSA Unit 58 Hosts Room in the Inn, helping DCPC provide a hot meal and a warm bed to unhoused neighbors Program has resumed with some changes and the need has increased dramatically Many Scouts and adults needed to assist with bed set up and breakdown, breakfast meal items,, hosting and visiting, and to spend the night Please sign up to help here: Contact Heather Densmore at 704-819-6910 with any questions 4) Upcoming PLC Elections PLC Elections are coming up on March 14th If you plan on running for ASPL or Patrol Leader, you MUST declare your candidacy to me (via email) by March 7th Note: Newly Elected PLC will have a PLC Meeting on March 19th Noon - 4pm 5) Final CDB Registrations Registration for Camp Daniel Boone is still open, but will be closing soon June 11 - 17 for a week of fun at camp! Details and registration can be found here: 6) Personal Fitness Merit Badge Dr. Wolff recently informed the troop that he will be hosting a Personal Fitness Merit Badge class towards the end of the scouting year Part of the requirements is to track fitness activities for 12 weeks Full details of the MB can be found here: Feel free to start tracking activity now to Be Prepared for a discussion in a few months 7) Upcoming Schedule March 7: Troop Meeting March 14: Troop Meeting & PLC Election March 21: Troop Meeting March 24 - 26: Crossover Trip March 28: Patrol Meetings April 4: Troop Meeting April 11: No Meeting Full Troop Calendar: As always, please reach out to me or any adult leader with any questions. Mr. Zangara